Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tug O' War

Have you ever really thought about why we play Tug O War with God? I think it is because we always have this misconception that we can handle just about anything. I mean really think this through with me. Me being a mom that has been through it 'all', as I am sure most moms can relate, from Broken arms to broken hearts, colds, allergies to foods, to attitudes in the morning, from he did it, she did it. We have to litterally be Investigators to doctors. This to me seems like a challenge in it self for most, as we are constently learning to change and grow. At these times, we must learn to just let go of that rope and quit telling ourselves....I can handle this no sweat! When in reality, we are stuggling to hang on for dear sweet life and hope we are going in the right direction while raising our children. We forget that we have a very powerful, loving God that can give us the decernment and the knowledge if we only ask. We need to remember, that God will give us what we need to accomplish what seems impossible. So when He tugs on that rope..let go and let God.